21 Mar

A divorce attorney will need to know the details of your marriage and the official documentation that accompanies it to begin the Singapore divorce process properly. Tax returns and other evidence of income, such as debt, assets, and property valuations, are all examples of this. The reason that dry ink is desired by attorneys is that it does not lie.

Divorce negotiations will be easier if you provide your attorney with a complete and organised file of all these documents.

Income-Related Documents

To illuminate you about the divorce procedure in Singapore, you must know that for the court to consider child support, alimony, or property division, it must know about your financial situation and employment status. Income tax returns and pay stubs are among the most common examples of these documents. Aside from your main job, you'll also need to keep track of any additional sources of income, such as a commission or tips.

Documents On Joint Financial Accounts 

As per the best divorce lawyer in Singapore, the court requires documentation of all financial accounts, both separate and joint, just like income statements. Furthermore, the assets of both parties during the divorce must be fully disclosed. Any account opened or contributed to during a marriage is potentially marital property and should be evaluated.

Real Estate-Related Documents

The value of one's home is an important consideration. When a couple gets divorced, the house they bought together becomes joint property. If marital funds pay the mortgage or maintain or repair a property that was purchased before marriage, this could also be considered marital property. Equitable distribution says that dividing property in a way that is fair, but not necessarily equal, whereas community property says the legislation should award half of the marital property to each spouse. 

Consider keeping these documents near you as much as you can, you will reap the benefits regardless of the lawyer fees for divorce.

If you need calming legal advice and counselling for divorce in Singapore, the cost should not be a concern. Contact Lie Chin Chin. They would be happy to assist you further. 


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