18 Mar

There are instances where an organisation would be required to pay for commercial cleaning services. However, most frequent is the time when your office would do the cleaning on its own. Sometimes, one must be aware of the right approach and method when cleaning their office. If you plan to help with office cleaning, here are some actionable commercial cleaning tips you should take seriously.

Start cleaning from top to bottom

You would notice that many professional office cleaning services in Singapore would always start at the top and finish cleaning at the bottom. Why is that so? That's because when you start cleaning at the top, most of the dirt and dust start falling off to the bottom. It makes it much easier to ensure that whatever you're wiping or cleaning remains clean. While doing this action, make sure you're starting from left to right. It's simple, easy and effective!

Always start with gentle cleaning agents

Strong products might seem necessary at first glance, but you don't need them all the time. Gentle cleaning products are effective, safe and use much fewer chemicals. Most office cleaning services use strong cleaning products when stains and surface grease are tough to clean with gentle agents. Office cleaner services always start with less abrasive cleaning agents. Gentle cleaning agents would get your cleaning chore by a mile!

Follow the zig-zag 'S' pattern

When cleaning a surface, consider following the zig-zag 'S' pattern. While many would not mind circular or random cleaning motions, the 'S' pattern (starting from the top) will give minimal to zero streaks. It's not surprising why every office cleaner in Singapore follows this method - it can help you change your way of cleaning things!

Perpendicularly organise things

Sometimes it can be frustrating to find out that everything looks messy after cleaning and wiping out all the dirt. The simple secret to this is to pile or line up everything perpendicularly. It guarantees a pleasing, clean and organised sight instead of a cluttered mess.

Are you looking for quality office cleaning services? Visit Lukis for commercial cleaning services!



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