17 Dec

Did you know? We, humans, consumed more than 80 millions of barrels of oil and gas every day. That’s right, that’s how tremendous the demand of our day-to-day needs, but not every one of us knows how offshore oil and gas industry sniffed this buried black gold treasure, and what method they use to extract it. 

So, to help everyone understand, here are the things how offshore oil and gas production works.

Hunt for Fossil Fuels

Every offshore oil and gas industry has oil geologist, and these are professionals who detect the fossil fuel by using the following:

  1. Special Sniffer - Mainly for finding the seeping deposits. 
  2. Sensitive Magnetic Survey - Some rocks cover the Earth’s magnetic field, and by using this helps to read the signs of magnetic anomalies.
  3. Seismic Surveying - Helps to detect the shock waves and pinpoints the exact area of fossil fuels.

Explanatory Drilling

Before the offshore oil production geologist would obtain a sample core, they need to drill four temporary wells over a potential gusher, and each well takes 60 to 90 days, while the process of exploratory drilling is similar to a straw pinned into a cake and once removed you will get an idea of how many layers existed inside the cake.

Undersea Drilling

When transferring the fossil fuels, the offshore oil and gas industry uses a subsea drilling template to deliver the substance without losing and polluting the ocean, and these have multiple drill pipes screwed together to ensure there will be no leaks happening during the process.

Striking Oil

To close off the surrounding petroleum reservoir, there will a production casing uses by the offshore oil and gas industry that goes down the bottom of the ocean and act as terminator or solid cap to seal it up. Why? Because the goal of offshore oil and gas production is not empty the surface, but to control the flow.

These how offshore oil and gas production works, but if you want more, contact this offshore oil and gas industry called MOPU Holdings in Singapore, as they will answer any enquiries about offshore oil and gas production.

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