20 Apr

You might think dusting home & office furniture in Singapore is enough to keep it last for years to come, but you are mistaken. You have to exert a lot more effort than that. One of which is polishing the hardware and surface so it would look good as new. Here, take a look at the other things you need to do, too!

  1. Fasten its loose screws.

Naturally, as you use your dining chairs in Singapore every day, its legs can become loose. As a result, it wobbles when you sit on it, and that could cause an accident to happen. So, make sure to keep all screws tight. 

  1. Keep furniture away from direct sunlight.

Even though it looks great under the sun, it dries out furniture. Your round coffee table in Singapore would have faded wood surfaces and some cracks. That is why you have to keep in mind not letting it have direct sunlight. Keep your furniture pieces under the shade.

  1. Use trivets for hot dishes.

Aside from the sun, your piping hot meals could leave unwanted burn marks on your dining table. More so, if you serve your cookings while it is still on the wok. Therefore, remember to use trivets when placing the dishes you made on the dining table.

  1. Use coasters for drinks.

Of course, hot dishes are not the only thing you should look out for. The beverages you serve for your guest could also leave unwanted marks on your round coffee table. So, make sure to use a coaster whenever you are giving out drinks. 

It might not be easy at first, but you will get accustomed as you continue following these tips. As a result, your kitchen cabinet and other furniture in Singapore will last for a long time. That same goes for any pieces of furniture you will get from Snow Globe in the future. So, make sure you bookmark this article so you would not forget how to take care of your furniture.


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