18 Jun

Taking a few extra steps in cleaning your home will give you a healthy summer. Now that you have time to focus on maintaining your house, start with your bathroom’s grouting because Singapore summers can be extra humid. Here are tips to get started:

Wash your area rugs
Every family member would want to take more than one showers this summer. The result? A soaking area rug in your bathroom. It should not cause you to worry, but neglecting a soaked rug above your tile and grout can accumulate moisture and allow bacteria to thrive.
Wash your area rugs every day to protect your bathroom grouting!

Invest in cleaning agents
Do you buy a grout sealer in Singapore? Why don’t you throw in some cleaning products in your cart too? Investing in gentle cleaning agents, such as baking soda, vinegar, or even commercial cleaners will enable you to periodically clean your tile and grout!

Always dehumidify your bathroom
Mould and mildew are the culprits of an unsanitary bathroom. They grow in damp places, such as your shower, especially now that it is overused. To prevent these from endangering your family’s health, you should always dehumidify your bathroom with a dehumidifier or a fan.

Renew them
While a grout contractor in Singapore is available all year round, you might only have the time this season. Do not let that opportunity pass because newly applied tile and grout can last you for months. So, think about the time you will save from cleaning when your tile and grout are new!

Never leave without checking them
You might be taking your vacation somewhere else this summer. When you plan to be gone for a few months, ensure that your tiles and grout have been sealed. A protective layer would prevent them from getting damaged from dirt and debris while you are away.

Spend your time under the sun without worry by following these tips! If you plan to renew your bathroom or any tiled flooring in your home, you should consider polyaspartic grout from Grout Pro Tech!
Send them a message to know more about their grouting services in Singapore today!


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