24 Mar

Many people migrate to another country to live a better life rather than swearing patriotism in their roots. To legally stay there for good in their chosen country, they have to apply for PR, which is the case in Singapore

While processing your application for PR in Singapore, you have to keep the following in mind. Doing so helps you succeed in your journey to become a PR. 

1. PR Application Is A Battlefield

Every year, it is fiercely competitive when it comes to submitting a PR application in Singapore. Out of a hundred thousand applicants, only a couple of thousand get accepted. To increase your chances of becoming PR, you should be meticulous with your PR application. 

2. Focus On What You Can Control

Have you been to the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority's website? If yes, you will have a clue on what this listicle is all about in your PR application, which is your life and career. 

If you showcase your commitment in these areas and excel, you are more likely to get PR approval. 

3. Never Rush Or You Will Get Crush 

If you rush your Singapore PR requirements, you might overlook some things. One of which is misspelt words or missing attachments. 

4. Be 3Cs

When you apply for PR in Singapore, you have to take note of the 3Cs: completion, consistency, and correctness. Polishing your PR application will not be a problem if you are aware of these words.

5. Scanned Documents Should Be Clear!

If your Singapore PR requirements are too blurry to read the document, the ICA will have a hard time with your application, which can be the cause of possible rejection.  

Need Extra Help With Your PR Application?

Reach out to a PR application agency in Singapore like Singapore Immigration Partners. With their years of experience, you can rest assured that they will help you with your application for PR.



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