23 Sep

Marketing is defined as the study of promoting and selling products or services with the intent of increasing profits. There are many kinds of marketing strategies and disciplines under the sun, but two of the most prominent ones in today’s modern world are content marketing and social media management. What are they?

Distributing content for a wider audience

Content marketing is broadly defined as a form of marketing aimed at creating, producing, and spreading content with the purposes of attracting new customers, boosting brand visibility or driving profits. Most often than not, this content comes in the form of: writing great articles, circulating newsletters and other informative content, running blogs, making videos or otherwise producing quality content for a target audience.

Running on social media platforms

Social media management is the use of social media sites like Youtube, Twitter and the like to boost brand visibility, increase sales, and drive traffic to company websites.This includes running accounts for brands, using paid ads on social media platforms, analyzing ad stats and data, and so on. Simply put, social media management revolves solely around maintaining the brand’s online presence.

What’s the difference?

Now that we know what social media management and content marketing are, then how can we tell them apart? Because, at first glance, they look similar. Do we not write and post content on social media? And aren’t social media sites just platforms for content?  True, there’s some overlap, but there are key differences as well. Here are some of them:

  1. Type of Content

Social media management content is produced via whatever is the popular content on the site. In Youtube, it’s videos, in Twitter, it’s shortform messages, and so on. Since content marketing prevails on websites, it can exist in more tailormade and longer forms of content, such as newsletters, eBooks, and so on.

  1. Focus

In social media management, the focus revolves around the social media sites and what content is produced on it. Whereas for content marketing, the focus is mainly on the brand website and what content is produced on it.

  1. Goals

Finally, the goals: social media management mainly wants to achieve brand awareness (because people flock to big social media sites) and maintaining good rapport with existing customers as social media can help open up discussions. Content marketing is focused more on building brand credibility because of its focus on quality content and company website. That is why SEO goes hand in hand with content marketing-- it’s easier for people to notice on social media!

Content marketing or social media management sound interesting to you? If you are interested in pursuing  social media marketing strategies for your company, then there is no better choice than OOm, the best local SEO agency in Singapore.



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