22 Nov

While many regard a cover letter as a customary but unnecessary inclusion in the Singapore PR requirements, that is not really the case. In fact, the screening committee for PR applications is very critical when it comes to examining the cover letters. It is because the cover letter often summarizes the intentions and qualifications of an applicant. Thus, writing a good one can get you one step closer to being a permanent resident!

The first thing you need to understand is that with different individuals come different strong attributes. ICA is not screening the applicants who apply for PR in Singapore using a single criterion and thus, you do not need to worry so much should you find yourself lacking on specific qualification. What you need to do is draft the cover letter in such a way that it will highlight your good qualities while mentioning as well the other qualifications. Here are some of the areas you could focus on:

Achievements and Potentials

One of the things being assessed from applicants are their achievements and their possible contributions to the country should they become permanent residents. While you need to include your credentials on your application for PR, you should also state them in the cover letter to give the screening committee an overview.


Your intention for sending a PR application is also very important. Applicants have various intentions on why they want to become permanent residents in Singapore. Thus, you have to impress the screening committee with your intention. You can also include what you are planning to contribute when you become a permanent resident.


Attitude and behaviour are as crucial as your achievements. When drafting your letter, make sure to include the parts of your personality that are agreeable especially in a community setting.

That’s about all the things you need to include in your cover letter. Should you have any more questions regarding your PR application, contact a reliable PR application agency in Singapore today!



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