08 Jul

In offices and other corporate spaces, you need to have maximum security to keep your employees safe. Not only that, but you are also probably keeping some important documents, so you have to make sure no authorised persons can enter.  So, you should consider using a facial recognition technology in Singapore. Here’s how it can help:

  1. Checks Your Staff’s Attendance

It has an attendance taking system, so you’ll easily monitor the time-ins and time-outs of your employees. This is very convenient especially if you are not in the office because you are on leave. 

  1. Make Your Workplace Safe

It’s a great security solution because it has a database that is used to store all of your employees’ information, so it will know if someone tries to break into your office. With this, you’ll feel confident that no other people can enter without giving them access or permission. 

  1. Fast Identification

No longer do they have to confirm their identities through fingerprint or ID scanning. In this way, they can easily enter the office, thus preventing long lines outside. This can also help reduce late incidents among your employees. 

  1. Secured Payments

If you are in the eCommerce industry, then you’ll find the facial recognition technology useful. It’s because there’s no need for your customers to input their credit or debit card information on a form, thus making your payment system more secure. 

  1. More Storage

Most Technologies like this have more storage space. So, if you own a large-scale business, you don’t have to worry about adding more information on your office’s facial recognition technology

  1. Compatible with Security Software

You can easily integrate this on your existing security system, so you’ll have no problems in installing and activating it. You can save a lot of costs if this is the case. 

Witness the wonders of facial recognition technology when you get it from a trusted vendor like Panasonic Security Solutions! Visit their website at https://business.panasonic.sg/security-solutions/ to get to know more about their products!


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