17 Sep

Car rentals in Singapore have become an increasingly popular option because of the convenience and affordability. I was delighted when I found out about the service. However, for anyone who isn’t familiar with car leasing in Singapore, trying to decide which sort of rental package is for you could leave you uncertain. So if you’ve been going back and forth trying to decide between long-term and short-term car rental, here are the major differences between the two.

What Are Your Car Rental Needs?

When I was deciding between a short-term and long-term car rental, the duration of the rental was often the key deciding factor. As such, you should think of the reasons why you’re renting the car in the first place and how often you foresee yourself using the vehicle in a year.

If you only need a car for a short getaway over the weekend, then perhaps a short-term car rental may be more suitable for you. However, if you foresee yourself driving on a more frequent basis but do not want to purchase or lease a car, then a long-term car rental option would do the trick. Below we elaborate on the benefits of both short and long term car rentals so you can get a better idea of which to opt for.

Benefits of Short-Term Car Rental


What I did back then was break down the daily costs of renting a car in the long-term as opposed to the short-term, the prior is often the more affordable option. However, if you find that you’ll only need a car for a specific occasion or a matter of weeks, then to hire a private car rental is the more cost-efficient option.

With a short-term car rental, you will be spared the exorbitant costs that come with owning a car, while allowing you to still enjoy the perks that come with driving as and when you need it. Also, car rental companies like us at CDG Rent A Car provide rental cars that are comprehensively insured, so you don’t have to trouble yourself to look for one.


I know that it may be easy to get around Singapore with our well-connected public transport system, nothing comes close to having the convenience of travelling in a car. Perhaps you have friends visiting you from overseas, or you’re travelling with your family during festive periods, it would be way more comfortable and convenient travelling or showing them around if you had a private vehicle. Also, may I remind you that renting a car during festive periods such as Chinese New Year or Hari Raya may involve a peak period surcharge. So be sure to look out for discounts and promotions before the peak period if you’re planning to hire a private car rental during those times.

At CDG Rent A Car, allowed me to choose from a wide range of vehicles from SUVs and MPVs, so if you have to travel with a big family, you’ll be able to find a car that suits your needs easily. If you’re enjoying a late night out at Singapore’s bustling nightlife spots, you don’t have to worry about catching the last train home.


Short-term car rentals provided me with the key benefit of flexibility for my transport needs. So my advice is, if you only need a vehicle for a couple of days, then a short-term rental makes absolute sense for your needs. In addition to this, short term car rentals give you the flexibility of driving around in your chosen car that is fit for any occasion.

For instance, if you have a formal dinner or event coming up and you plan to arrive fashionably in your dream luxury car, a short term car rental will help you achieve just this.

Benefits of Long-Term Car Rental

Flexible rental terms

As a millennial, I understand that owning a car in Singapore is a costly affair. Especially when you add in all that extra insurance and maintenance costs that come along with it. The reality of owning a car in Singapore means a long term commitment which might not be a worthwhile investment. Long-term car rentals relieve you of any fixed commitment and give you more flexibility in planning your finances.


With a long term car rental, I can leave regular maintenance and service to the professionals who handed over the rented vehicle to me. If you are unable to find time to send your rented car for maintenance or servicing, car rental companies in Singapore can take care of this for you.

Car rentals for tourists

If you’re an expat who will be working in Singapore for a few months and needs a convenient means of transport to get to your workplace, I suggest the long-term car rental option for you. Since you’ll only be living in Singapore for a limited time, owning a car during this time may not be the most cost-effective option.

Car rental is an alternative

I am already 29 years old but I haven't purchased my car yet, and I think there won't be a need anymore. Regardless of the intended duration of your car rental, renting a car is a straightforward and uncomplicated process in Singapore, and is a great cost-effective transportation alternative. 

If you are looking to lease a car in Singapore, visit CDG Rent A Car's website and let them help you today.

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