14 Sep

Children grow up so quickly. Before you know it, your kid is all grown up! The only problem is your child’s clothing. The moment your child outgrows their clothes is a sign you should invest in more clothing.

However, this shouldn’t always be the case. While time and ageing are inescapable, you can find ways to get more than you’ll bargain for through improvisation. By thinking out of the box, we can make sure your child’s clothing will last longer than usual!

Baby clothing in Singapore can be expensive. How exactly can you get the most out of your budget?

1.    Practise sewing

If you know how to sew, you can go a long way! Learn how to sew properly so you can reuse baby clothes to patch them up and extend their size so they can still fit your baby as they grow older. It’s also an artistic hobby you can practise to boost your creativity!

2.    Store them for future use

It’s not uncommon for parents to give birth to a second or third child in the family. In such cases, the best way to save up on money is to reuse old baby clothes. As soon as your child outgrows their clothes, you can use them for your upcoming baby.

3.    Craft toys

Just like sewing, crafting toys can be a great pastime that will benefit your baby as well. Create makeshift baby dolls that’ll enlighten your children! Stitch up old baby clothes and combine them together. Fit them with durable textile to make sure the dolls are cuddly and comfortable for hugging.

Choose appropriate clothing that’s light on the wallet! Buy baby clothes online in Singapore at Chateau De Sable, where quality is the key to a happy baby. Select a comfortable baby girl or boy dress and clothing in Singapore with the help of Chateau De Sable.

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