04 Feb

Renting a car is useful for many reasons. Sure, renting a car is fun since you can choose any available vehicle you want, but there are factors to consider as well.

Here are things you need to know before you rent a car!

1. Research your options

There’s a lot of rental car companies in Singapore, it can be overwhelming to choose! That’s why you should research each option to see which ones are worth checking out. Not to mention, you need to compare their prices too.

2. Schedule as soon as possible

During the holidays, renting a car is quite common, which means your car might be taken during the day you intend to rent it! That’s why it’s essential to schedule and reserve as soon as possible before someone rents the vehicle you want.

3. Are you an experienced driver or not?

If you’ve been driving for more than a year, then there’s nothing to worry about. However, if you’ve only driven for less than a year, be aware that not all rental companies approve of probationary drivers. So if you’re a less-experienced driver, find a rental agency that allows probationary drivers.

4. Inspect the car

Do note that while most rental companies only issue 100% clean and functioning vehicles, it’s better to make sure yourself. Before you rent a car, inspect the vehicle yourself to make sure it’s fit for driving.

5. Consider the mode of payment

Not all rental agencies offer credit card payments, so make sure to check each company to see if they offer various modes of payment. Try to pay via credit card since it’s the financially wiser choice.

Remember these tips if you’re planning to rent a vehicle! If you’re searching for a long-term car rental company, visit CDG Rent A Car.


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