04 Jun

Did you call the people who set up your proposal decoration in Singapore too many times? You might be having pre-engagement anxiety. It is normal to feel excited yet anxious about the day that will change your life around. To help you deal with these jitters, follow these tips:

Always imagine the best-case scenario
It is often true that what you think is what you attract. Instead of hoping for the best, like how athletes do, you should think about the best-case scenario to attract that it will happen!

Prepare hard
You want to make this proposal set up in Singapore memorable. So, go all-in when you are preparing! Have a script ready and practice it in front of a mirror as you are counting down the days.

Break the habit of drinking (for now)
The last thing you want to happen is to spill the surprise yourself accidentally. When you live with your partner, avoid having too many bottles. It will even prepare you to stay mindful on your proposal day!

Get help from proposal experts
Do not compare yourself with your friends and their proposals. So, what if you get a proposal package in Singapore? It is a huge help that will eliminate all your worries and ensure a memorable experience!

Acknowledge your feelings
Let yourself know that you have anxiety. Recognising it is the best way you can address it. When you know what you feel, you will also know what may help reduce it.

Talk to a friend
Make sure that you have a friend who you can talk to about your jittery feelings. It would not be healthy to bottle these feelings inside. Trust that your friend will listen to you and help you get through it!

Now that you know what to do with your pre-engagement jittery feelings, you can focus on preparing with Hello Joi! They can help you with your proposal set up in Singapore!

Call them up with their number +65 9671 4868 or let them know you want their help on their website today!


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