25 Aug

Whether you call it a server room, a data centre, data facility, or by any other name, chances are that you’ve spent a considerable amount of time and effort in constructing it. Data centres aren’t just a worthwhile future investment for your business, it is absolutely essential for your company’s growth. This is because data centres function as your business’ communications and data storage and relay hub, which is needed in many aspects of business today-- from marketing to sales, to customer service and more. Data centres are the nervous system of your business.

If you want to make sure that your business will function smoothly, you must also be sure that your IT equipment and computer systems are safe as well. It doesn’t just mean simply installing CRAH units and the like. Your data centres or server rooms must be perfectly built to fit your business’ requirements as well as keep your equipment running smoothly and efficiently.

Mistakes you can make while constructing your data centre

Ever wondered what mistakes you can make while designing your data centre? Even the smallest of mistakes can mean a drop in efficiency or a higher risk of damaging your equipment. Here are some mistakes you can make while designing.

Not accounting for cooling systems

Computer room air conditioning is one of the basic requirements of server rooms and data centres. There are several techniques to utilise.

Not investing in alarm or monitoring systems

There are sensing cables and alarms available to detect water leaks, fire hazards, and the like.

Cutting too many corners

Creating server room designs can eat up a lot of time and money. It might be tempting to cut corners or speed up the process, but your data centre’s design will suffer.

Canatec provides only the best in precision cooling and data centre solutions. Contact us for more information on precision air conditioning for server rooms and other products or services.


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