18 Oct

When I hired offshore oil and gas industry for my gasoline station company, I realise they are an upstream oil and gas sector that specialises in finding crude oil and natural gas deposits. 

For the offshore gas production of my gasoline station company, I think I need help from a professional, expertise not only in an offshore oil and gas industry but also specialise in upstream gas production and services like MOPU Holdings. Thankfully, when I hire them to help me with offshore gas production, they assured me they are skilled operating and fleeting an oil and gas. 

The MOPU holdings agreed to present their work, such as to assist me, and my gasoline company from the project management conversion, installation, commissioning, maintenance, and decommissioning.

With no more delays, I hired them immediately after hearing their scope of work, and so far it was the best decision I ever made for my company. Which made me glad to know that they are one the largest MOPU oil and gas jack-up rigs in South East Asia that have numbers of MOPU oil and gas operating units. With this said, here are the upstream services they plan to perform:


Sometimes, when I heard this word, “exploration” the first thing that comes to my mind is about diving beneath the sea through the seabed, but one people from offshore oil and gas industry I hired said, this exploration geological prospective site, seismic imaging, and exploratory drilling.

These explorations cater to locate a potential site that might have MOPU oil and gas, once an offshore oil and gas industry confirms the location, and they will start the exploratory drilling.

After the explanation, I now understand the meaning of exploratory drilling, it has a lot of processes in between and after a while, and this will be the time they will know if it’s suitable to have an offshore gas production.


I have this weird interest in drilling. It started when I was young when I heard it is possible to drill under the sea. The reason I own a gasoline station company is that I wish to see the drilling operation up-close.

Some of these days, this will come true. They told me that this drilling operation isn’t just drilling; it involves field planning, several constructions under several engineers, last is the development drilling, and once these are drilling services to finish, this is when the oil and gas production will begin.


I usually get anxious about production, sometimes years ago, the offshore oil and gas industry I used to hire, mess up doing the oil and gas production services. Which cost me lots of money that I even need to use my savings to pay some miscellaneous.

During oil and gas production, I notice that they extract several mixtures of liquid hydrocarbons, water, gas, and solid elements that are not sellable. The offshore oil and gas industry both agree that offshore gas production development saves a minimum environmental footprint. 

Now, the offshore gas production of my gasoline station company is already in the works, we can finally set up a start date of the MOPU oil and gas operation, and I can’t wait to see these services right away.

Here are just some of MOPU oil and gas operations that I would like my contracted offshore oil and gas industry to fulfil. For such great offshore gas production, visit MOPU Holdings in Singapore, as they provide environmental safety and sustainability. 

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