19 Jan

In Singapore, face thread lifts are one of the most popular aesthetic treatments because it can help enhance the facial features of an individual. Moreover, it is minimally-invasive! It means you do not need to undergo a long recovery. However, to make sure you get the maximum benefit of a thread lift, you have to make necessary preparations. 

Here are some tips on how to prepare for a thread lift in Singapore

  • Stop Taking Blood-Thinning Medications     

Since it is a minimally invasive procedure, your skin will be slightly wounded after the treatment. So, to make sure that your recovery is fast, you have to stop taking blood-thinning medications such as Aspirin. Also, it would be better to talk with your primary physician first to get to know what other medications to avoid. 

  • Taking Supplements Should Also Be Stopped

Aside from medications, supplements that are rich in Vitamin E should also be avoided. Vitamins and supplements can worsen bruising and swelling. It is advisable to stop taking them at least a week before the scheduled face thread lift

  • Avoid Drinking Alcohol

Alcohol can also cause the blood to thin down. If this happens, then excessive bleeding might occur during an aesthetic treatment. Moreover, it makes the skin dry. Dryness could cause scarring on the skin. So, it’s best to avoid alcohol before a cosmetic procedure. 

  • Don’t Smoke!

Smoking is another blood-thinning element. You have to stop doing it two weeks before the scheduled face thread lift. Not doing so could cause infections right after the procedure. Moreover, scars are most likely to occur. 

  • No Makeup, No Skincare

Even though it is just a simple nose thread lift in Singapore, you have to ensure you don’t have any makeup on before you go to the clinic. The same thing should go for your skincare products. You should skip it as they may affect the result of the aesthetic treatment. 

Now that you know how to properly prepare for a thread lift, it is time to look for a clinic that could cater to such a service! Since you are already looking for one, check out KW Brooke now!


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