11 May

Are you using a pressure tank at home? If yes, that’s great! It is because it can store water, and even provide you with water when your water pump is not running. But to ensure your pressure tank will last for a long time, you should know how to take care of it. 

Fortunately, this article will discuss the maintenance and safety tips on how to do it.

Regularly Balancing the Pressure Tank

Balancing your pressure tank means ensuring it still provides steady water pressure, and it is not losing air pressure and preventing air from entering the pressure tank. Follow the instructions below:

Initial steps before balancing the pressure tank

  1. Turn off the power.

  2. Open the faucet until the last drop of water.

  3. Ensure there is no water left inside the tank.

Once done, follow these steps:

  1. Let the water run, but make sure you note when the pressure turns on and off.

  2. Shut off the power and let the faucet on until the air pressure of the tank gauge reads zero.

  3. Check the pressure with a precision dispensing tire gauge.

  4. Tune the pressure with your air compressor until it reaches less than the pump turn-on point.

  5. Next turn on the power.

  6. Let the water run again, and check if the cycle runs smoothly.

  7. Lastly, check the needle of your pressure tank, if it runs faster than its usual pace, repeat the process. 

Replace the Parts When Necessary

To maintain the pressure tank condition, you must replace the parts with new ones when you notice it starts to wear off.  For that, always keep some spare parts, so you are ready to do the replacement anytime.

Remember this maintenance and safety tips to prolong your pressure tank lifespan. 

But if it is too old, then perhaps you are interested in buying a new one from a pressure tank manufacturer? Contact Unicontrols at +65-6509-5878. They also offer air pressure tanks if you need one! 


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