26 Oct

It is easier to settle road accidents when your car is involved. You know the first steps you should take, from calling your insurance to damage payment. However, things can be slightly different if you rent a car and get it in a road accident. It is highly likely, especially for people in a long term car rental contract in Singapore.

Here are the things you need to do when you get into an accident in your car rental in Singapore: 

Know your excess cover beforehand.
Before you rent a car in Singapore, check the vehicle's excess coverage before driving it on the road. Excess is the fee you have to pay if your car rental in Singapore gets damaged, whether your fault or not. Sometimes, your insurance and credit card cover the excess. 

Assess the situation.
After you get into an accident, assess the situation first. Do you need medical attention? Does someone need medical attention? Make sure everyone is safe by calling the emergency response team. Stay away from the accident area in case of a car explosion. 

Gather information.
Firstly, exchange information with the other driver or parties involved. Get their names, addresses, contact number, email address, insurance companies and policy numbers, driver's licenses, and vehicle and plate number registration.

Secondly, ask the authority for a copy of the accident report and the responding authority's information.

Lastly, take pictures of the crash scene, the vehicles, plate numbers and so on. 

Contact your long term car rental company in Singapore.
When you rent a car, it is essential to get the contact number of your car rental company in Singapore. Inform your car rental company about the accident. They will direct you with the next steps. 

Contact your insurance company.
Inform your insurance company and ask them for the coverage and liability. 

The best step to avoid road accidents is to be careful and mindful when behind the wheels. 

Are you planning to rent a car? CDG Rent A Car provides short term and long term car rental deals in Singapore. Visit CDG Rent A Car today


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