03 Feb

Every car owner goes through the process of whether or not to sell their used car, and sometimes this monologue runs through their mind: Should I sell my car or what? Honestly, there is nothing wrong with it, because that will be your best option to get spare cash to buy a new ride. To help you decide, check these signs whether or not to sell your used car.

  1. Engine Lights is Always ON

Take note, it is time to sell your used car if the engine lights are always on, because going to the mechanic can solve your problem, but will cost a lot of repair fee. So instead of wasting your dollar, consider selling your used car, to make a profit out of it.

  1. Growing Family

Don’t try to make everyone fit inside your ride, because no matter what arrangement you do, it can only fit a certain number of people, and your growing family wouldn’t fit at all. So consider selling this used car and buy a new car with a bigger capacity.

  1. Excessive Maintenance Cost

Have you been visiting the mechanics every once a week? If your answer is yes, then consider selling your used car. Because if you add up, those maintenance repairs you had for the past week, you would get a much higher amount than the monthly payment.

  1. Guzzling Gas

Did you know? Old cars sometimes guzzle more gas than the newer one. That’s right, so if you have been driving your car for years, then there is a high chance your used car guzzle more gas than it normally had. Try to check your gas receipt to see if it exceeds your monthly gas allowance.

If these signs sound familiar with your ride, then consider selling your used car to a scrap car dealer like  SgCarTrade in Singapore, and see if their offer matches your expectation!

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