15 Sep

If you’re the owner of a car or any sort of vehicle, then you’re part of a lucky minority that have the ability to ply the roads of Singapore. Car ownership is not widespread in our country because there are large fees attached to vehicles, and it can be an immense drain on finances when you need to maintain them. That’s why you should think twice about buying used or new cars.

If you’re planning to sell a new car, or figure out that you don’t have much need for your current one, don’t fret. You don’t have to eat up the entire cost of your car and write it off as a loss. If your car is still operational by the end of your use, you can always sell it off to another would-be car owner or a used car dealer in Singapore. There are many options for you to explore!

How to sell off your car

Thinking of putting up your used car for sale? Don’t worry, the process isn’t that difficult if you know what to do. Here are some great tips if you’re looking for a way to sell off your car!

  1. Determine the selling price of your car. You can check it out on various sellers’ websites and other resources. You don’t want to undersell your car, don’t you? For example, car dealers may be the easiest way to sell it off but you also need to consider the likely lower prices they will offer you.
  2. Giving a full breakdown of the features of your car. Whether you plan to sell to a dealer or directly to a buyer, you need to let them know any possible modifications, damages, and features of your car to avoid trouble.
  3. Arrange paperwork and answer questions thoroughly. Here comes the complicated part. A buyer might want to know the paying terms, warranties, and other things, as well as request for a car viewing before pushing through with the sale.

Want to sell your used car? Gowheeler, a used car dealer in Singapore, has your back. Contact us to know more about how to sell off your used car.


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