16 Mar

Sure, buying online makes everything convenient. You don't have to walk for hours in malls or visit several boutiques for the right clothes or shoes for you. However, buying online also has its disadvantages. Especially if you are buying a fancy bookshelf from an online furniture store in Singapore, you can't inspect it physically.

To overcome these disadvantages, learn not to commit these furniture buying mistakes first:

1. Forgetting About Your Space
Our buying impulse shoots up when we see a pretty bookshelf in an online furniture store in Singapore. Adding it to the cart without checking the size and evaluating the home space you allotted for it is a complete disaster. Sure, there can be a space-saving bookshelf in Singapore just waiting for you to discover.

2. Forgetting The Long Term Plan
Before you buy that huge filing cabinet in Singapore, think five years ahead first. Do you have plans to move out of your place in the next few years? If so, are you moving to a smaller or wider place? Will the design still work with the ever-changing style trends? Will you still be needing that filing cabinet you saw in Singapore in the next five years?

3. Forgetting the Research
Another important thing is website research. Before you buy anything, examine if the online furniture store in Singapore you are checking out is a reputable store. Check the return and shipping policy. You can also check other websites for price canvassing.

4. Forgetting Your Lifestyle
Make sure that the furniture you will get fits your lifestyle. Buying a fabric sofa is a wrong move for pet owners. Shopping for a long table for a person who loves to host parties is a better choice. Make sure you maximize the functionality of your furniture.

5. Forgetting the Reviews
You can determine the quality of the product and the service the store provides through the reviews. People can either post pictures of the product's condition and quality or rate the service.

Are you ready to shop online? At F31 Furniture, you can find stylish and high-quality furniture perfect for your place!


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