01 Sep

It is hard to knock your nerves off when planning a perfect marriage proposal set up in Singapore. Should you get a marriage proposal planner in Singapore or just confederate with your partner's relatives for a surprise proposal? Should you propose in public or hire a proposal decoration team in Singapore to design a private place? In reality, overthinking sometimes ruins the actual plan. 

Here are the dos and don'ts when planning a marriage proposal:

  1. Do prepare yourself

Are you and your partner ready to enter wedlock? Have you two spoken about your married life together? Marriage is a change in people's lives. Are you prepared for the responsibilities of being a spouse and parent, and is your partner on the same page as you? The last thing you want to do is to make rushed decisions. 

  1. Don't forget the ring

The engagement ring seals the deal in marriage proposals. And, no, it is not part of the proposal package in Singapore; you have to pick it yourself. Whether it is a brand new ring, a cheap ring, or a ring your mother has given you, an engagement ring is a must.

  1. Do talk to the parents

It seems old school, but getting your partner's parent's blessings and approval is a way to honour, pay respect to them as well as express your clear intention for your partner. 

  1. Don't make it about yourself

When choosing the location or the theme of the marriage proposal set up in Singapore, make sure they have a significant connection or memory of both of you. If you're both fans of football, you can propose during a football game. You can also pop the question in the university campus where you first met each other. 

  1. Do tell them why you want to be with them forever

This speech may be cheesy, but the point is to tell your partner what they meant to you, and you want to be with them forever. 

No marriage proposal is perfect, so don't sweat it out. 

Hello Joi provides proposal packages and birthday balloon delivery in Singapore.


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