12 Nov

At least once in your life, you will attend symbolic activities that have existed on earth ever since. It may be a baptism, birthday celebration, or a wedding. All of these are important events that honour life and love, but how about an event that honour someone’s death? An event that is dedicated to respect and remember someone who has finished their time here on earth. Yes, there is an event for that, and it is none other than funeral services. Funerals, here in Singapore or not, are held for dead loved ones with intention and meaning. It is a chance for the family of the deceased and the deceased themselves to present their beliefs, thoughts, and feelings of their passing to the public. 

In this article, you will find five purposes of why funeral services are held. 

Why do people organise funeral services?

Whether you believe in the afterlife or not, there will always be a purpose on why your family or friends will hold a funeral for you. Allow these reasons to help you understand and reflect on their purposes.

Death as a reality to acknowledge

The first stage of grief is called denial for a reason. It is a person's way of resisting or rebelling against the idea that their loved one is gone. A lot of people will agree that it is the hardest stage to overcome since, in this stage, they will have to confront the harsh reality of living the rest of their lives without their loved one. Nonetheless, there are ways you can do to help yourself and your family. It is to organise a funeral service that can prompt the beginning of your grief journey. In this time, you should allow yourself to see and witness the last physical form of your loved one.

Expressing painful thoughts and feelings

Crying is the most common form of grieving. It is always accepted in the venue of Christian funeral service in Singapore. You may sob and wail at funerals, but some would choose to stay silent and not let anyone see them cry. Either way, it is a healthy expression of painful thoughts and feelings. Through crying, you are giving your heart to understand and embrace the pain of loss. Funeral services are the best places for it since society condones this time to openly express sadness. Thus, do not hold back. Allow yourself to feel all that you are feeling until your mind and heart tells you that it is time to accept it.

Share memories

It is said that memories validate a person’s life, and as long as you carry that memory you had with your deceased loved one with you, they will remain alive with you. A better way to ensure that a deceased person’s life is real and validated is if you share them with plenty of people. With your stories and theirs, you will collectively validate your loved one’s life for as long as you all live! Invite close-knitted family and friends to prepare a eulogy to perform in the funeral service to make the occasion more memorable and significant.

Find new meaning

For Buddhists, they arrange funeral services to commemorate the rebirth of their loved ones. They believe that with cremation and service, they are helping them with the process of reincarnation. It is where a person’s spirit dissociates with the dead body and seeks a new life to a new body. It comforts them because death does not mean the end, but a rebirth. For non-religious people, the funeral helps them reinforce the fact that they will also die. It prompts them to help search for a new meaning, that is somewhat a kind of rebirth as well. They are restored with energy to live fully so that they know that if their time comes, they have become better individuals, so death will be a fulfilling end to it all. 

The need for others

Humans are social creatures. People cannot live without the presence of one another. Funeral services are the public venue to express this needfulness in a good and healthy way. It is the time that you will receive support from others, and it is extremely helpful to overcome grief. Whether it is through words or non-verbal actions, these are important healing aspects that one needs.

A meaningful funeral service with Ang Chin Moh 

The people of Ang Chin Moh understand the transcending experience of funeral services. Thus, they are the leading one-stop funeral services provider in Singapore! Allow them to create a personalised, meaningful, and healing ceremony with you.

Contact them on their website to get started.


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