28 Oct

Pregnancy is an extraordinary capability of a woman. Yet, beyond the phenomena of the gift of life, the physical consequences for the mother are delicate. Complications like post partum belly, divarication of recti, urinary incontinence in Singapore, and among others are probably the most manageable. Complications like these can be more life-threatening for mothers expecting multiple births; twins, triplets, or more. It is why postnatal care in Singapore is crucial. 

Here are some of the complications of multiple births:

  1. Preterm birth

Mothers who are expecting multiple births are likely to experience preterm labour and birth. Preterm birth affects the infant more significantly than the mother. Premature babies are likely to suffer from low birth weights, respiratory conditions and are more prone to infection. 

On the other hand, preterm birth endangers the life of mothers with existing conditions, like diabetes, respiratory diseases, and cardiovascular issues. Postnatal care providers in Singapore must closely monitor mums who had a preterm birth. 

  1. High blood pressure

Mothers carrying twins are highly likely to develop preeclampsia or hypertension during pregnancy. Mums suffering preeclampsia have a high chance of developing other complications after birth, apart from the common divarication of recti and urinary incontinence Singapore

Mums with hypertension during pregnancy may suffer from seizures, stroke, kidney and liver problems, placental abruption, and preterm birth. Consult your prenatal and postnatal care provider to maintain normal high blood pressure. 

  1. Anaemia

Anaemia occurs when you lack healthy red blood cells in the body. Pregnant women have to produce more blood in the body to support the fetus's needs. If a mother is carrying twins or more, the demand for blood doubles up. Pregnant women develop anaemia if they can't keep up with the demand. It could lead to preterm birth. 

  1. Gestational diabetes (GD)

Pregnant women develop GD due to hormonal changes. Some hormones prevent insulin, a hormone that breaks down glucose and regulates sugar levels in the blood, from functioning. Consult your prenatal and postnatal care provider in Singapore for diabetic diet instructions. 

Prepare your body and be healthy for your twin blessings!

Orchard Clinic provides pregnancy complications treatment and procedures, like diastasis recti exercises. Visit Orchard Clinic today.


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