09 Mar

Little did everyone know, offshore gas production began around 1800, and ever since then the ocean has become our reliable source of fossil fuels and continues up until no knows when. But, years have passed, many things have changed, including processes. With that said, take a look at these types of MOPU oil and gas units the world’s uses today.

  1. Drilling Barges

Most of the time, this MOPU oil and gas unit is for smooth seas, which means, the design of drilling barges are highly suitable for relatively calm shallow ways. That is approximately 150 metres beneath the sea level because this device cannot withstand rough and strong waves. 

  1. Drill Ship

Among all MOPU oil and gas units, this one is highly advantageous over the others, because this device has an ultra-deep-water drilling capability that is easy to operate, and it drills well in oil and gas fields without any outside assistance.

  1. Jack-up Rigs

Unlike drilling barges, this MOPU oil and gas unit doesn’t go anywhere else, because it stays on the same position; on the same site and the only thing that moves in this device are its three to four legs that are lowering and rooting on the seafloor.

  1. Submersible Rigs

Aside from drillship, this MOPU oil and gas unit is highly different, because they are pontoon-based which allow for water ballasting and deballasting order to position, anchor, and re-float massive structure. However, this has similar features to the other because the equipment is highly-fitted in the platform’s deck.

  1. Semi-submersible Rigs

Last, but not the least. This MOPU oil and gas unit is used in ultra-deep waters of offshore gas production areas because they are partially submerged in water during a drilling operation. But in idle-normal circumstances, they are moored to the sea bead by anchors.

These are types of MOPU oil and gas units the world’s uses today. But if you want to know how offshore gas production is, then contact this offshore oil and gas industry called MOPU Holdings in Singapore, as they can answer your enquiries about offshore drilling. 

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