18 May

We could never emphasize enough how important roof waterproofing is for residential properties in Singapore. When we think about home renovations and maintenance, the first things that come to mind are the most visible ones like repainting dull and dusty exterior walls, repairing leaking faucets, and resealing the solid wood floor. We almost often forget about making our roofs waterproof, when our roofs are the first line of defence we have against extreme weather conditions.

Here, we will share with you the less known advantages of roof waterproofing and repair that will convince you to get your property its needed maintenance.

It maximises insurance claims.

If your house is insured, you want to keep your insurance maximised. That will be possible when you limit the damages that will not be covered by the insurance policy. Among such damages, we believed, is damaged due to negligence. If your insurance company found out that your roof developed leakage and led to affecting the walls and other interior parts of the house, it will spell bad news to your insurance claim. On the other hand, ensuring your insurance company that the property will have less chance of getting damaged due to complete maintenance will even lower the rates you have to pay for the insurance.

It protects your family from respiratory illnesses.

Hiring professional waterproofing contractors to ensure that your roof is protected from leakage can lead to more essential benefits you probably haven’t heard of before. Water leakage is the primary cause of mould formation on the interior walls of a property. This mould can cause respiratory problems upon long exposure. Thus, if your roof is free of leakage, it entails that mould infestation will not be a problem, promoting a healthier environment for your family.

It can save energy.

You’ll probably doubt it when we say that metal roof waterproofing is energy-efficient maintenance, but really, it is. Water leakage, no matter how minimal, can increase the level of humidity in your indoors. The increase of relative humidity can make the house feel warmer and uncomfortable, especially with Singapore’s already humid climate. When you invest in waterproofing your roof, you’re keeping your indoor humidity at a bearable degree. This entails the minimal use of air conditioning systems and other ventilation like exhaust fans which cause a blow in the electricity bills. Thus, making roof waterproofing energy-saving maintenance.

It increases the market value of your property.

Whether you are planning to sell your house soon or the idea hasn’t crossed your mind yet, it is important to think about raising the market value of your property. Your house is among the most expensive asset you have, and maintaining its value or increasing it even, is essential for future plans. When you think about it, you can give the house as an inheritance to your children so you have to ensure that it will be beneficial to them rather than an additional expense they have to sustain when they grow up. Keeping your house away from structural damages caused by water leakage is the easiest way to increase its value.

These are only a few of the reasons why you should invest in protecting your roof against water leakage. Should you feel convinced and want to get a professional waterproofing service, you may reach out to us through our contact page!


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