01 May

During the cold and flu season in Singapore, homeowners should be frantic in sanitising their home so that they do not put their family members in a vulnerable position. This is one of the main reasons why getting a carpet and rug cleaning service is on-demand lately. If you do not think this is necessary, let this article convince you otherwise!

  1. Dusting it off is not enough

You might think that germs are only on the surface of your rug, why would you need a cleaning service in Singapore right? This is not true because germs can embed themselves into the fibres of your rug. Thus, dusting them off outside your house would not be enough to keep your family safe from developing illnesses.

  1. Germs can get to other surfaces

There is always a chance for germs to spread around your house as long as they have something to hold on to. That is why if you do not believe that getting rug cleaning in Singapore would not help in preventing them from spreading, then you are putting yourself and your family in risk.

  1. Vacuuming can only give you temporary solutions

Unless you can do it on a regular basis, vacuuming your carpet and rug can only give you little assurance that they are 100% clean. Thus, it is still recommended that you get professional cleaning services for your rug and carpet because these experts can assure you that these will be clean for a longer period of time.

  1. Give you time to disinfect your home

When you surrender your carpet and rug to cleaning services it would also give you some time to disinfect your house! In this way, you would not get the germs from other surfaces get into your clean carpet. You could tell the company when you plan on claiming your carpet so they would know when to deliver it back to you.

Need to get an office carpet cleaning in Singapore? Consider getting the services of Clean Care today! Visit their website to get their contact information and schedule a cleaning service.



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