22 Apr

I guess we are all guilty of being protective and worried about our children. Hence the need for us to have GPS tracker for kids in Singapore. I do understand that we have their best interests at heart and we only want the best for them

That is why I too, am guilty of tracking my kids.

I am not sorry

I trust my kids but I just need to be assured that they are safe and instead of asking them every hour, I decided to track their activities and whereabouts. And having tracking devices helped alleviate that worry. If you were born anytime after 1970, it is probably safe to say that you have heard about tracking devices. More specifically: tracking devices for kids or GPS trackers for kids. Technology is making its way into every facet of our lives, including the way we parent and keep track of our kids. And the thing I wanted to feel years ago was the validation that it is only right to track your kids. 

A few moms like me did not agree back in our previous home, they were old school and tried to tell me that I should trust and teach my kids as if I am not already doing that. Again, this is just for extra caution.

Setting boundaries

When my daughter started growing up, I knew that children need boundaries to help them grow into respectful, confident and productive adults. However necessary our rules and boundaries may seem to us, though, children often push and fight against them because they are always interested in testing limits. I know because I was young too.

It is normal and even necessary for healthy development. Constantly tracking my kid would make her feel safe and contained, but young people also need the freedom to try things out, make mistakes and develop their independence. The boundaries we set help children learn to set limits for themselves and develop their self-discipline. Boundaries are equally important when it comes to technology. The digital world is so exciting for young people – and rightly so – that they will probably need your help to manage things like finding a reasonable balance between online and offline time.

What I did was enrol her to a school in Singapore where they have advanced technological system with the use of the IoT. The school have techs such as school bus tracking system, automated library system, attendance monitoring and more, this helped me set boundaries as my child needed the freedom to explore while still watching over her. In some way, I needed this for myself to, to teach me how to loosen up. 

The importance of trust

An infant feels secure and loved, learns to trust that their needs will be met and is, therefore, more likely to develop a secure attachment with their parent. From where I stand, I understand that in order to feel safe, my kid needs to be assured that she is respected and that begins at home. Trusting her to know what she is doing, where she is going, and trust her that my teachings would be complete with her any time of the day, wherever she might be.

Today I still have a car GPS tracker in Singapore, installed in our car for that time when she would be borrowing it for her own commitments, I am prepared of letting go of this whole monitoring, I trust my kid and I know someday she would become her own trustworthy person.  All relationships are based on trust. Children want and need to trust their parents. Parents like us want and need to trust our children. Trust makes honest communication possible; it builds relational bridges; it gives meaning to our respective roles; it provides security. It stimulates responsibility and caring. If a child never learns to trust, the results can be devastating.

The trauma would forever be there if one end would break another’s trust and as for my kid, I did not want her to lose faith in me, I cannot bear that, it would feel as if I failed her. I only want to be the best mom she would love. I do not want to cause a rift between me and my daughter, hence these tracking activities must be at least limited. I know that now. Yes, there are exceptions but, we all need to set boundaries and let them grow up normally.

Final word

I honestly felt as if this whole she-bang was also a journey of acceptance and letting go, I started as a worried mother now, I am confident that my daughter would be safe and smart enough to know her way in life.

If you are looking for a vehicle tracking system in Singapore, you can visit Overdrive’s website, my preferred IoT solutions in Singapore, and let their experts help you with your needs.

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