05 Jan

Whether your child is someone who’s had straight-A’s all their life or is struggling with their studies, the thought of failure can be extremely demotivating. In academic or educational settings, the pressure to succeed can be immense. So if they experience failures with both minor and major academic requirements like exams or writing courses in Singapore, it may take a toll on their self-esteem.

One of the things that you should watch out for are signs that your child may start to give up on their education. While failure can sometimes help give a wake-up call to your child, other times, it can frustrate them into giving up. Learning how to motivate your children after a failure is something all parents should learn.

Here are a few parenting tips in Singapore on how to help your child after a failure.

1. Don’t make insensitive comments about the failure. Remember, failure is already demotivating in itself. By piling on criticisms, you’ll only make them more resentful and pressured. If you need to talk to your child about their performance, give them more constructive comments which can help them do better in the future.

2. Make their environment more conducive to learning. Talk to your children at length about how or why they could have failed. Maybe they need a better learning environment. A good atmosphere is by far the easiest way on how to motivate kids to study.

3. Give them resources to help them get back on their feet. Failure can be a learning experience and the only true way to fail is by giving up entirely. Make changes that reflect that learning and help them apply it.

Carean Oh is a professional writer and educational consultant who offers early childhood education courses in Singapore and other services to help kids in their educational journey. Check out her website for more information.



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