25 Nov

Have you tried organising an event with only a team of three to five people? If yes, then you know how difficult it is to accomplish your tasks in succession. On top of that, chances are you won't meet your expectations.

I encountered such a problem back when I was new in the business, all fresh and prepared to face the real world! Then reality hit me. Handling a team of only five specialists is too much of a responsibility!

We were in the food and beverage industry, and we wanted to make a name for ourselves by setting up a booth on our own. I said, "Sure, why waste money on additional expenses when we can do it ourselves?" I was referring to hiring an event organiser in Singapore.

I thought that we shouldn't hire an organiser since we'd be wasting money. But I faced the truth, and it's not what I expected. 

If you're going to attend an exhibition, don't be like us. Look for an event production company in Singapore that can help you set up a booth! 

What's the Difference?

There are a few things that come to mind when you'll hire an exhibition company.

First, the design of your booth. When no one on your team is a graphic artist, it's challenging to think of an idea that will capture the attention of your audience. This is what we failed to do during our first stint at an exhibition. No one on our team was great at conceptualising and designing, thus resulting in a mediocre output.

If you pay for event management services in Singapore, expect a barrage of specialists coming your way to assist you! Part of this is conceptualisation. We noticed the difference between our first and second time attending an exhibition. Our initial design was crude and below average. However, on our second exhibition, we improved the designs and style of our booth, thanks to our event organiser!

Second, there's the case of execution. Sure, our team could plan all these great ideas in mind, but are we capable of executing all of them? Not exactly. I overestimated our capabilities, and as a result, lead us astray to what you can describe as "the worst booth ever".

Due to the variety of tasks, we mixed and became confused with what we were supposed to do. As a result, we didn't accomplish all of our tasks, including punctual transportation and logistical planning. 

Learning From Our Mistakes

After our first exhibition, we promised never to make the same mistake ever again. It's the reason why we hired an event organiser in Singapore to help us manage our booth. It's a worthwhile investment all companies should consider if you're going to attend an exhibition.

I highly recommend you search for a reliable event production company that can assist you. If you're searching for dependable acrylic fabrication services in Singapore, I suggest you go to Cubic Space.

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